Monday, December 10, 2007

Event Vs Delegate:::::::::::

An event is an event. A "delegate" assigns a particular event handler to an object instance. Thus, when an object event happens, the proper procedure/method is called.

An example might help. I frequently code things so that a single method is called for all instances of a class. No matter which button is clicked, call my generic "button_click" method. That method will use the event arguments to determine which button was actually clicked.In order to assign all button click events to a single method, I have to code the delegates.

ASPNET interview questions::::::::::

Why Interface:::
An interface is a contract. When you design an interface, you're saying "if you want to provide this capability, you must implement these methods, provide these properties and indexers, and support these events." The implementer of the interface agrees to the contract and implements the required elements.

foreach_(_) implements both IEnumerable and IEnumerator

C# .net questions::::

Authentication::::::::: @ User Level
Authorization:::::::::: @ Account Level

What is the difference bw hosting a application using virtual directory and without creating the virtual directory?

using virtual directory, v neednt keep updating the absolute path if at all there is ne change, but hosting it directly, whene ever there is a change in the path, v need to update it accordingly

All abt masterpages:::::::::::::

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